
Monday, November 26, 2007

Potato Bread and Rolls

Ah potato bread! Here is another lost recipe from the old days that I have been fortunate to rediscover via the wonders of the food-blogging community. These pretty little rolls are made form the recipe for Tender Potato Bread, this month’s challenge from the Daring Bakers, hosted by Tanna at My Kitchen in Half Cups.

This is the first bread I have kneaded by hand in a while. I will just remark that I have not been making no-knead bread for months now. I think I just like kneaded bread better. You have so many more choices.

Tender Potato Bread
(from Home Baking: The Artful Mix of Flour & Tradition Around the World by Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid; who also wrote Hot Sour Salty Sweet)
I made two dozen rolls and two small loaves.


12 ounces potatoes (I used white rose potatoes)
4 cups(950 ml) water, reserve cooking water
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons instant yeast (or active dry yeast)
6 ½ cups to 8 ½ cups (1 kg to 1350g) unbleached all-purpose flour (I used the maximum amount)
1 tablespoon olive oil or coconut oil
1 cup (130g) whole wheat flour
Additional olive oil or coconut oil
Coarse sea salt

Form the Dough

Put the potatoes and 4 cups water in a sauce pan and bring to boil. Add one teaspoon salt and cook, half covered, until the potatoes are very tender.

Drain the potatoes, reserving the water, and mash well. Measure out three cups (750ml) of the reserved potato water. Add extra water if needed to make 3 cups. Place the water and mashed potatoes in the bowl you plan to mix the bread dough in. Let cool to lukewarm (70-80°F/21 - 29°C) – stir well before testing the temperature – it should feel barely warm to your hand. Add yeast to 2 cups all-purpose flour and whisk. Add yeast and flour to the cooled mashed potatoes & water and mix well. Allow to rest/sit 5 minutes.

This is called the autolyse step, and it is intended to make the dough easier to knead.

Sprinkle in the remaining 1 tablespoon salt and the softened butter; mix well. Add the 1 cup whole wheat flour, stir briefly.

Add two cups of the unbleached all-purpose flour and stir until all the flour has been incorporated.

Turn the dough out onto a generously floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes, incorporating flour as needed to prevent sticking. The dough will be very sticky to begin with, but as it takes up more flour from the kneading surface, it will become easier to handle; use a dough scraper to keep your surface clean. The kneaded dough will still be very soft. Place the dough in a large clean bowl or your rising container of choice, cover with plastic wrap or lid, and let rise about two hours or until doubled in volume.

Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface and knead gently several minutes. It will be moist and a little sticky.

Form the Bread
Heat the oven to 400. Butter two eight-inch loaf pans, one eight-inch springform pan, and one six-inch heart-shaped pan, or pans of the shape and size of your choosing. Divide the dough into four sections, one larger than the other three. Form two of the three smaller dough sections into loaves and place them in the buttered loaf pans. Divide each of the two remaining sections into twelve balls. I had one dozen one-ounce rolls and one dozen two-ounce rolls. Roll each dough ball so that it has a smooth taut surface. Arrange the rolls in the prepared baking pans and allow to proof for forty minutes. Brush the loaves and rolls with additional melted butter and sprinkle with coarse sea salt, if desired. Bake for ten minutes and lower oven temperature top 375 and bake twenty-five minutes more. At this point, the smaller rolls should be deep golden and ready to remove. Bake another fifteen minutes and remove the larger rolls, and then remove the loaves about ten minutes later. This kind of bread slices up beautifully and is especially suited to grilled cheese sandwiches.


  1. I love the heart shape! Your bread looks great!

  2. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Aww...the heart looks so sweet!

  3. The heart looks great! My sons also prefered the rolls than the sliced loaf.

  4. Your loaves look great! Well done!



  5. Your rolls look so light and lovely.

  6. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Just a reminder I feel that I must bring it to your attention.

    According to Jewish Law (Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 97:1) this bread is prohibited and thus not kosher. Because of the general ban of making bread that is either dairy or meat.

    Bread made with butter or any dairy ingredients is not available with Kosher certification. Of course to every rule there are exceptions.


    Psst: your blog is great, א גרויסען שכויח

  7. I love the heart!!! It looks great!

  8. nikki57, dawn, ostwestwind, rosa, and bc,

    many many thanks for your kind comments! This has been a wonderful experience.

    yosel יוסעל,
    Thanks very much for this point, which I should have addressed in my post. I felt that the form in which I made the rolls rendered them kosher since they are a shape in which one does not normally prepare pareve bread.
    BT Psakhim 36a provides an exception for forms that are "ke-eyn ture" understood by Rashi to mean made into small rolls. the Shulkhan Arukh YD 97:1 rules leniently both for small rolls, and for breads made in an unusual shape. I think they sell English muffins and other such things with milkhik ingredients, or they used to--I will need to address this at greater length in another post.

  9. Love the heart shaped rolls. Great job on the challenge!!

  10. Anonymous11:42 AM

    טייערע מרת שאקאלאד

    My link to the OU site that I posted is to an article of 'justification' by the OU for their Kosher Cert for English muffins.

    However I doubt that the bread featured here even the heart shape can pass as 'different'. Many bakeries have different shapes for different breads. As long as the average person can take it as a bread it will not get a Kosher approval.

    As for the round shape; there is available in many kosher bakeries a similar bread called 'break away' Challah.

    Also, according to the Kabalah one should have 12 whole breads for the shabbes meal (In memory of the 12 breads in the temple).

    So in many Chasidic homes the balabuste/rebetzin prepares one Challah -similar to the one you are presenting here- made out of 11 rolls and with a larger regular Challah you have 12.

    So at least the round version is problematic from a Kosher standpoint. Since this shape is common.

    מיט פול עהרע

  11. I love the heart shape!! I actually enjoyed kneading by hand this time. It really helps to get a feel of the dough.

  12. WOW! the heart shaped bread is such a cutie! LUk absolute darling!

  13. I like the heart idea. February, here I come . . .

  14. Those rolls look wonderful and inviting. Yummy!

    Kitchenaid Brioche — step-by-step for Amanda

  15. Even though I generally don't eat white flour or potatoes, I just have to say your rolls look fabulous!

  16. this is just gorgeous - the colour and the shapes.

  17. april and breadchick,

    thanks so much. I am very happy with how this shape turned out.

    you are definitely right about the circular challah-I have even made this shape myself. What would be some good suggestions for shapes for milkhik bread? Many classics of the bakers' canon are made with milk--pain de mie, pullman bread, brioche, croissants, danish pastry. which shapes are suitable for a heimishe kitchen?

  18. deborah,

    I enjoyed kneading by hand, becuse now it is a choice and not a chore. I just happened to see "How to Cook Your Life" a documentary about Edward Espe Brown, with some good kneading footage (but not nearly enough).

    dhivya, chou, julius, and bee,

    many many thanks. making the new shape was the most interesting part for me.


    thanks! one of the things I was wondering about when I saw the Ed Brown movie mentioned above was if those kneading scenes are as appealing if one has kicked the white-flour habit.
    I was also wondering if there is a variety of potato that is lower-glycemic than other potatoes, sort of in the way that red spring wheat is relative to other wheat?

  19. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Very pretty presentation of the potato bread, I love the hear shape!

  20. That heart is beautiful. Looks like a very successful challenge! Masterfully done :)

    -jen at use real butter

  21. I love the heart-shaped rolls, it's a great idea!

    Christina ~ She Runs, She Eats

  22. That is one cool shape! Great job on the challenge!

  23. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I love that bread heart!

  24. What gorgeous presentations! I love the heart!!

  25. Sweet heart rolls!
    Lovely job!

  26. Your potato rolls turned out beautifully. Nice touch to bake them in a heart shaped pan.

    Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

  27. i'm with you on the no-knead bread: it's good, but it's only one option.

    and in my life, it's actually more work to decide i'm going to want bread in 18 hours than to do some kneading in the moment.
