
Friday, February 29, 2008

“It Wants to Come Sideways” Julia’s French Bread

The thirteen-page recipe for French bread in Mastering the Art of French Cooking is one of the landmarks of the genre, a recipe I talk about all the time, but never made. I was always a little suspicious of this recipe. Volume I of Mastering explains that no recipe for French bread is provided because it would be impossible to reproduce outside of France, and I was more inclined to credit this account. I was inclined as well to be intimidated by the notoriously detailed recipe in Volume II, but I need not have been. Having more details makes the recipe easier, not harder, and the writing is so intelligent and humane, it is really a brilliant analog to the wonderful bread itself. Some of my favorite crumbs:

[W]hen you tear off a piece, it wants to come sideways; it has body, chewability, and tastes and smells of the grain.

Use one hand only for the kneading and keep the other clean to hold a pastry scraper, to dip out extra flour, to answer the telephone, and so forth [to take photographs!]

It will turn into bread in the oven whatever happens, but you will have an easier time and a better loaf if you aim for ideal conditions.

This is the most wonderful stuff in the world. Many thanks Daring Bakers!


  1. You've got a perfect bread here, it looks great!

  2. yum, looks delicious!! :)

  3. wow!! your french bread looks amazing, just like the ones at the bakery!! great job!! -kk

  4. Your loaves look perfect! Beautifully done!

  5. Beautiful job!! Your bread looks fantastic!!

  6. Those were some funny comments! You did a great job and I am sure enjoyed these wonderful loaves of french bread. Congratulations on completing this months DB challenge!

  7. Interesting how different all the shapes, the crusts and the crumbs look at all the DB's on the same recipe.

    You made it, well done! I think it would be better with toasted hemp seeds :-))

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  8. Excellent job on your bread

    Thanks for baking with Sara and I

  9. I have not tried to take photos with one hand while kneading with the other: you did great!

  10. Anonymous1:32 AM

    That is your third web self-portrait, if I'm not mistaken.

  11. Lovely write-up and lovelier bread!

  12. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Congratulations on a successful challenge. Your bread looks wonderful.
    Jane of

  13. Fantastic!! man does that look like a great hunk of bread.

  14. Looks fantastic Eve!Glad youe enjoyed the challenge!

  15. What a lovely crumb! (Mine was much denser.) I love the "sideways" quote you used for the post, it describes the whole experience. Libby

  16. Great looking loaves! Good job!



  17. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Hi! I just found your blog - I didn't know that, among your many other talents, you were a food blogger too (how did I not know that?) :) Anyway, your bread looks yummy - and I'll be checking back for all the other great treats you post on here.

    Editor, The Jew & The Carrot blog
