
Friday, June 13, 2008

אַן אױסגעבענקטע שעה

אַ גאַנץ יאָר קוק איך אַרױס אױפֿן ערשטן טאָג פֿון אונדזער אַגריקולטורעלן קאָלעקטיװ. לײענט װײַטער װעגן דעם אױף פֿײסבוק, חזון, און יושרדיקע עסן.

למה תשקלו־כסף בלוא־לחם ויִגיעכם בלוא לשׂבֿעה? (ישעיה 55:2)

פֿאַר װאָס זאָלט עץ אױספּאַטערן געלט װען נישט פֿאַר עסן, און ענקער אַרבעט אױף דעם װאָס זעטיקט ענק נישט?

Why would you spend money on that which is not food, and your labor on that which does not satisfy you? (Isaiah 55:2)


  1. I understood the vast majority of the yiddish in this post. I think Josh's Hassidishe friends would translate just foods as yoshoredike maacholim, which indicates (what i percieve to be) a preference for hebraicism in yiddish for american-born speakers of yiddish in hassidic communities. can u confirm this gut feeling???

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    hello! i write from buenos aires, argentina. do u know something about yiddish author A. Almi? i found and bought a beautiful book from him here in a fair, is from 1924, and printed in poland. i know u have written something about him in your blog. can u tell me something about him? i found nothing on the web. thank u very much. fernando

  3. הײַ!

    קען זײַן אַז "בלוא" איז פּשוט טײַטש "אָן"- דאָס הייסט, פֿאַר וואָס זאָלט איר אויסגעבן געלט אָן ברויט און עסן אָן זעטיקייט?

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Fernando--why don't you pose this question to a librarian? Here are two Yiddish-specialist libraries: (Jewish Division of the New York Public Library)
    212.246.6080 [x.5102] (YIVO)

    Meanwhile, back to the topic of the post. Every time I covet something I can't afford, that's absolutely not necessary to my life or happiness, and that I know I will later regret, yet still long for, I get my sister to recite that Wordsworth poem with the line "getting and spending we lay waste our powers"; and that pretty much cures me of buying stupid stuff I don't need. For a while.

  5. miriam,

    well, there are two issues here; one is register--certainly there differences in the lexicon in khsidish and non-khsidish yidish, but here I think the difference lies in the distinction between "food" (esn), meaning food in general, and "foods" (maykhloim), meaning particular foods. I think the distinction exists in the khsidish register as well as in klal yiddish.

    I don't recall mentioning Almi, but see Nomi's comment below.

    אינטערעסאַנט, ש'כּוח
