
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Coconut Chips קאָקאָןוס טאַשםעלעך

קאָקאָןוס טאַשםעלעך

די טאַשמעלעך זענען געזונט און געשמאַק, טאַקע אַזױ גוט װי קאַרטאָפֿליע־טשיפּלעך.

מיט אַ שאָל־מעסער, הובלט'ץ אָפּ טאַשמעלעך פֿונעם קאָקאָנוס. באַזאַלצט'ץ זײ גוט און באַקט'ץ זײ אָפּ אױף 350 אַ 15 מינוט.

little ribbons (tashmelekh )

To plane, to shave (ophublen)

Coconut Chips

These are an intriguing surprise from Seasoning Savvy by Alice Arndt. Salty coconut chips might actually be as satisfying as potato chips. You know I would not say that lightly. These are a useful nibble to have on hand, especially during Passover, when low-glycemic, gluten-free, nightshade-free snacks are thin on the ground.

Heat the oven to 350. Shave fresh coconut into longish fettuccine. Lay them on a baking sheet, salt generously and bake for about fifteen minutes.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Oh yum! I'd really love to try this!


  2. paz,

    I hope you try these; they are surprising. Hoping you are in good health!

  3. eeexcelent. i love coconut and savory, like coconut chutneys and such, but i love sweet coconut flavors even more... in fact, i could really go for a pina colada right now..

  4. This sounds really good! I think I'll try it. I love coconut!
