
Monday, April 06, 2009

Something Out of Nothing III: Bottom of the Bag Pancakes

Each year at about this time I make one last batch of something to empty out whatever peysekh-unsuitable ingredients are still lurking in the pantry, and every year this turns out to be better than even I would have guessed. Have a look at Bottom of the Bag Muffins and Bottom of the Bag Cookies from previous years, and Lindy’s Something out of Nothing roundup.

I understand that because of their ad-hoc nature you are not likely to reproduce these recipes as written, but I am finding it very interesting to record them. I wish I had started this blog at least one year earlier and caught a really special oat and yogurt bread. Oh, just thinking of all those recipes that got away can break your little heart if you have one.

I am very late this year, so this recipe is smaller than usual, but definitely worthwhile. Tremble before me leavened grain; I am the fearsome khumets-bane!

Bottom of the Bag Pancakes

¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon (1 ½ ounce) Bob’s Red Mill Cream of Buckwheat cereal

2 tablespoons (1 ounce) Bob’s Red Mill 6-Grain cereal with flax

2 tablespoons (1 ounce) potato starch

½ cup (2 ounces) all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon kosher salt

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

2 eggs

½ cup coconut milk

½ cup unsweetened hemp milk

2 tablespoons melted butter, and some butter for the griddle

2 tablespoons bamboo honey

Stir together the flours and cereals with the salt and baking powder. Beat the eggs lightly and mix in the milks, butter and honey. Combine all the ingredients and stir just to mix. Heat a cast iron griddle or skillet and rub with the barest film of butter. Pour batter onto the griddle in about 1/3 cup measures. Flip the cakes when bubbles form in the surface. Butter and syrup, of course.

This recipe made nine 4-inch pancakes.

Don't miss the pancake movie if you have not seen it yet!

I have not quite got finished everything off. The awful truth is I still have nearly an entire container of hemp milk. Hemp smoothies for breakfast!

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