
Monday, April 12, 2010

Matzo Chips מצא ביסקװיטן

אָט איז די סיבה פֿאַר װאָס מצא איז מיר נאָך נישט נמאס.

דאָס יאָר, כּדי איך זאָל קאָנען מאַכן דעם בעסטן פּסחדיקן װעגװײַזער אין תּ'שעא, הײב איך שױן אָן אױסצופּרוּװן די מצא רעצעפּטן, איך זאָל זיך נישט אָנעסן מיט מצא דװקא אין די װאָכן פֿאַר פּסח.

די־אָ זאַלציקע, ברעקעװדיקע ביסקװיטן האָבן גוט אונטערגעלענט דעם האַרצן אין די שפּעט נאָכמיטאָג שעהן װען עס גלוסט זיך עפּעס אַזױנס.

מצא ביסקװיטן


מאַסלינע בױמל (מיט אַ ברײטער האַנט)

גראָבע ים־זאַלץ, אָדער סתּם זאַלץ

פֿריש אָפּגעמאָלענע פֿעפֿער

זיסע און שאַרפע פּאַפּריקע

צעקרישלט'ץ די מצות אױף שטיקער און באַגיסט'ץ זײ מיט אַ ביסל װאַסער (װײקט'ץ זײ ניט אײַן אַזױ װי אױף מצא־ברײַ אָדער אַ קוגל, מאַכט'ץ נאָר אַ ביסל נאַס דעם איבערפֿלאַך עס זאָל זיך גוט צוקלעפּן דער בױמל). מישט'ץ גוט אױס מיט מאַסלינע־בױמל, און באַשיט'ץ מיט זאַץ, פֿעפֿער און פּאַפּריקע. װאַרעמט'ץ אָן דעם אױװן אױף 350 און בריט'ץ אָפּ די טשיפּלעך אַ 20-30 מיניט זײ זאָלן זיך גוט אױסברױנען.

Here’s the reason I am not yet tired of matzo.

This year I am already thinking about making the best possible peysekh survival guide for 2011 and I really have to start documenting the matzo recipes now, and not eleven months from now, when I will really not want to be filling up on matzo all day.

These salty, crunchy matzo chips were essential in tiding us over those afternoon-teatime cravings for something just like this.

Matzo Chips

Matzos (all kinds work well, try whole wheat, spelt, or rye matzos if you like)

Olive oil (be liberal)

Coarse sea salt (or regular kosher salt)

Freshly ground black pepper (optional)

Sweet and hot paprika (optional)

Break up the matzos into chip-size pieces. Place the matzo chips in a strainer or colander and wet them briefly under cold, running water (you do not want to be soaking them as you would for matzo braa or a kugl, just getting the surface a little wet so the oil will stick). Toss the matzo chips with olive oil so that they are liberally coated, and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprikas. Heat the oven to 350 and toast the matzo chips for 20-30 minutes to the desired degree of golden umami.

אונטערלענען דעם האַרצן

Unterlenen dem hartsn

Satisfy, hit the spot

עס גלוסט זיך

Es glust zikh

One desires

מיט אַ ברײטער האַנט

Mit a breyter hant



  1. Olive oil? Did one's ancestors in Eastern Europe know from olive oil?

  2. Ven Mum1:59 PM

    Umami? Is this also something from which one's ancestors in Minsk Guberniye would have known?

  3. Thrice Venerable Guys,

    Your comments crash to the heart of almost all discussions about food practices in traditional communities.

    While one's East European ancestors may not have used olive oil or been familiar with the concept of umami, they were always interested in innovating and expanding their repertoires.
    I think the most useful work in this subject is David Sutton's Remembrance of Repasts(Berg 2001), in which he argues that it is more useful to ask whether a particular innovation is sound within a traditional cuisine than whether it is authentic, whatever that means.

  4. Our ancestors, whereever they went, used the ingredients that were available and adapted them to their dietary needs.

    I could not bring myself at this point to go out and buy more matzah, but this sounds like a great recipe. Maybe next year. We finished the last of ours as a first course for Shabbat dinner two weeks ago, cooked up in the Tamil style: see my blog entry on this at

  5. hi

    Matzo chips is very good n taste,, its very similar like pakitani food. but its real good.

    Cuisine Pakistan
    having much more tasty food with their recipe..

  6. I like this Blog posting Really Good
