
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eat In Good Health! עסט'ץ געזנטערהײט

נו, אָט איז דער קאָך־פֿילם װאָס אונדז'אמער גמאכט פֿאַרן פֿאָרװערטס. גי'נ' אַ קוק
Here's the first episode of our show on the Forverts Channel.


  1. Yasher koyekh Eve and Sure-Rukhl. But where's the key step--getting the cherries into the little pockets? Do you put a cherry or two onto a a disk of dough and then fold or twist or otherwise seal it? Or are the cherries (how many) sandwiched between 2 disks of dough that are pinched or crimped together? Or is there another arcane procedure that is too intricate and sacred to be demonstrated? I want a sequel: varenikes II-- starring kartofl? featuring keyz?
    I enjoyed this great show.

    I enjoyed watching this very much, and look forward to more.

  2. Health is good when you eat good food

  3. I eat good food for good health

  4. I was finally able to watch this, because the last few weeks we had limited connectivity and the movie wouldn't load properly. It's fantastic! I agree with Esther-Malke that the important filling step should have been given a close-up. I was so interested in what Sure-Rokhl was saying about the different words for dumplings that I wasn't watching Eve's hands at the crucial moment.

  5. Hi,

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  6. Ich hob a nua gahot Eva ven ich hob gazaen dine class, ve azoi men macht verenicas Ich gadenk mine mama ze hut gamacht ven ich hub gavaen a kint der beste verenicas mit bulbas un tzibalach.

  7. congrats! keep up the good work/this is a great presentation.
    Good Health

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  10. hi,
    Health is good when you eat good food,
    health is wealth

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