
Monday, September 27, 2010

Khreyn infused vodka כרײן װאָדקע

כרײן װאָדקע

שײַערט'ץ גוט אױס און שײלט'ץ גוט אָפּ אַ שטיקל כרײן פֿון 4 צאָל. גיסט'ץ רײַן 2 ליטער כּשר לפּסח װאָדקע אין אַ גלעזערנעם שיסל און לאָזט'ץ אַ מעת־לעת. גיסט'ץ װאָדקע צוריק רײַן אין די פֿלעשער. קרעפּלעך אַװעקצושטעלן

Khreyn infused vodka

Scrub and peel a four-inch piece of fresh horseradish root. Pour two liters of kosher for Passover vodka into a glass bowl or ice bucket. Add the horseradish and allow to sit at room temperature for about twenty-four hours. Pour the vodka back into the bottles and chill. Oh baby.

אַ מעת־לעת
a mes-les twenty-four hours

קרעפּלעך אַװעקצושטעלן

kreplekh avektsushteln Oh baby

This phrase literally means "it is worth serving kreplekh," a dish associated with the upcoming feast of השנה־רבה Shane-rabe (Hoshanna Raba)


  1. I just stuff it in the bottle and keep filling it up whenever it is empty. Yummy, best part of passover.

  2. I had never heard of such a thing. Live and learn.

  3. Benjy, sounds wonderful. Hard to pick best part of passover.

    San Lao Qiao,
    This will be the subject of our next video

  4. Very cool blog. Please keep it up. (Though khreyn-infused vodka sounds like going too far...or maybe that's only until I try it.)
