
Friday, April 15, 2011

Work in Yiddish ייִדישע אַרבעט

While it is true that I do tend to get a little tense in the days immediately before the joyous holiday of peysekh, I did not think that even I could break a cast-iron skillet.


skovrode skillet


patelnye frying pan


fendl pan

עס קוםמט אָן מיט בלוט פֿון די אױגן

es kumt on mit blut fun di oygn It is difficult (lit: it comes with blood from the eyes)

די אַרבעט ברענט אונטער די הענט

di arbet brent unter di hent One is working like a demon (lit: the work burns under one's hands)

אַרבעטן װיִ אַ הונט

arbetn vi a hunt to work like a dog

אַרבעטן װי אַ פֿערד

arbetn vi a ferd to work like a horse

ציען די ליאַמקע

tsien di liamke to pull the bridle bit --that is, to work like a horse

אַרבעטן װי אַ ייִדענע ערבֿ־פּסח

arbetn vi a yidene erev-peysekh

to work like a Jewish woman on the Eve of the Passover

1 comment:

  1. I know that it is a bisele tsy shpet, ober if you still have this broken skillet, I can weld it for you umzist, ir zolt mir dos fendl nor aroysshikn.
    Mit respekt, Andrey Bredstein.
