
Friday, March 30, 2012

There are a couple of things I only make during Peysekh.  I am not thinking of peysekh-specific foods like matzo braa and matzo balls and khreyn, though these are things that I do not usually make outside of peysekh.  I am thinking of foods that are not obviously peysekh-specific, like French fries, mayonnaise, tea eggs, and ice cream.   I buy sugar cubes for peysekh, but at no other time.

I am trying to figure out if there is some common thread connecting these.

All this is to say I cannot wait for peysekh to use my new curly fries cutting gadget.I am all a quiver.

I understand that I state every year in the Survival Guide that I work with a more limited batterie de cuisine during peysekh, but each irresistible gadget brings the peysekh arsenal a little closer to parity.

Does anyone else look forward to special peysekh treats not obviously connected to the holiday?


  1. I make popovers only on Pesach. To me this seems the obvious time for popovers, since my mother too made them only on Pesach. I have heard that some people make popovers during the year.

    I cannot wait to be reunited with my little white fluted ramekins!!!

    --Shira Beth

  2. I really love your post here! Thank you for sharing!

  3. I use peysakh as an excuse to make many flourless chocolate cakes. My gluten-free friends are very happy.

  4. These are both great ideas. Shira Beth, do you use cake meal in your popovers?

  5. nyginko7:08 PM

    ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~SHALOM l'HITRAYOT, Eve!

    I like your question. Perhaps these are some answers to it?

    I used the remains of some matzah meal from years ago, mixed it in with an egg and salt and "poached" it in a small oiled pyrex bowl in a larger pot. It puffed up. Not an oven popped popover, but a very delightful puffy ball.

    I don't useusually use eggs at all, but this week it seems very
    seasonal to do so especially in lieu of lentils and beans.

    I don't usually use white potatoes, but this week I boil or bake some (and yams and sweet potatoes) everyday.

    I've bathed the cooked sweet potatoes and Idaho baking potatoes in buttermilk. And today I used the boiled yellow potatoes to make a "potato salad." I didn't need mayonaise, but used some olive oil and white wine and herbs and salt.


  6. nyginko7:11 PM


    I like your question. Perhaps these are some answers to it?

    I used the remains of some matzah meal from years ago, mixed it in with an egg and salt and "poached" it in a small oiled pyrex bowl in a larger pot filled with water.
    It puffed up. Not an oven popped popover, but a very delightful puffy ball.

    I don't usually use eggs at all, but this week it seems very
    seasonal to do so especially in lieu of not using lentils and beans and peas, et al.

    I don't usually use potatoes regularly , but this week I boil or bake some (and yams and sweet potatoes) everyday.

    I've bathed the cooked sweet potatoes and Idaho baking potatoes in buttermilk. And today I used the boiled yellow potatoes to make a "potato salad." I didn't need mayonaise, but used some olive oil and white wine and herbs and salt.



  7. I spent three wonderful nights exploring your blog. I was looking for expressions in Yiddish (with galitzianer pronouciation) but reading this blog has become an end in itself.
    Thank you for humor, pictures and recipes too of course. The filmed recipes with Rukhl on Youtube are great too, in France - except perhaps in Paris we do not hear Yiddish daily.
    Now I am just waiting for new posts.
    Sweet and long life, et merci, merci, merci !

  8. טײַערע מרת שאָקאָלאַד,

    צװײ פֿראַגעס צו אײַך:

    װען װעט מען אַרױסגעבן דאָס לעװאַנדאָ קאָכבוך?

    האָט איר געהערט פֿון אַ ייִדישן מאכל פֿון פּאָדאָליע (אין הײַנטיקער אוקראַינע) װאָס הײסט "נודעלע"? מײַן מאַמע געדענקט אַז דער מאכל, װאָס מײַן עלטערבאָבע האָט געקאָכט, האָט פֿלײש אַרײַן אינעם טײג. זי האָט געזאָגט אַז מע דאַרף דאָס נודעלע פֿונעם פֿלײש אין טײג אָפּשניטן און בראָטן די שטיקעלעך אײַן אױף בײדע ברײטע זײַטן. איך האָב געקוקט אין ייִדישע קאָכביכער (אױף ענגליש און ייִדיש), אָבער האָב ניט קײן רעצעפט געפֿונען. אָבער איך מײן אַז צװישן אײַך און מרת שעכטער, אײנע פֿון אײך קען דעם רעצעפּט װיסן.

    אַ שײנעם דאַנק,
    אײַער צוזײער,

    פּ''ס. דער קוגל האָט אױסגעזען זײער גוט.
