
Sunday, September 16, 2012

‏באַניע קערן סאָס ‏ Pumpkin Seed Sauce

A few years ago I visited a restaurant in Vilnius where the menu was in English, of a sort, and I ordered "cauliflower with seeds sauce"  with great curiosity and anticipation.  The seeds sauce was made with flax seeds, and was just delicious.  Ever since I have been thinking about ways to utilize seeds for sauces (and, of course kernik) to make.

It is surpassingly cool if you can find some pumpkin seed oil in a health food store, but olive oil will be just fine too.

This recipe for Legumbres en Pepian is something you want to try as well.

I humbly submit this recipe to Haalo's Weekend Herb Blogging, founded by Kalyn, and hosted this week by Graziana from Erbe in Cucina (Cooking with Herbs.

Pumpkin Seed Sauce

1 cup pumpkin seeds
4 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil (or olive oil)
2-10 cloves garlic
1-2 green chiles
black pepper
several sprigs cilantro (about 1/2 cup minced)

Toast the pumpkin seeds to a light brown (about 15 minutes in a moderate oven).  Combine all ingredients in a processor and chop, adding hot water (pasta water, if you have some) to the desired consistency.  This was very nice with roasted pumpkin and Lebanese rice, but I have big, big plans for this sauce.  Watch this space.

Have a healthy and blessed year.


  1. Thank you for joining WHB!

  2. Thanks Graziana, I am delighted to be back.

  3. Interesting! I had a pumpkin seed sauce for the first time at Roberta's-- that hip pizza place in Bushwick. They were serving a cold winter squash salad with a pumpkin seed sauce. It was divine, and I returned home to make a slew of seed sauces for myself. I never saw/heard of a recipe for it until now. A danke Eve!

  4. Love this idea -- I've seen pumpkin oil around so I'll definitely try it that way.
