What May a Rutabaga Reasonably Ask?

For a long time I’ve done roasted turnips this way: I cut the turnips into wedges, peeled the garlic cloves, droped both into boiling water for about ten minutes, and then laid them in a shallow ovenproof pan, drizzled with oil, and roasted at 400 for about 40 minutes. This is everything a roasted turnip should be, but this week it occurred to me that it might be just a bit easier to steam the turnips and garlic covered in the oven and then remove the cover halfway through. Smashing results. This time I used rutabagas instead of white turnips and added lemon juice towards the end. A rutabaga can reasonably ask no more than this.
2 or 3 rutabagas
5-7 whole garlic cloves, peeled
olive oil (about 2 or 3 tablespoons)
juice of one lemon
Peel the rutabagas and cut them into wedges—about the size wedges you would cut from an apple or orange.
Place the rutabagas and the peeled garlic in a shallow pan. A pyrex pie plate was just right for this. Salt lightly, drizzle with oil, and add about ½ cup water. Cover the pan tightly with foil and place in a 400-degree oven. If you have a cake or something that needs to bake at 350, let it be 350. After 30 minutes, remove the foil, stir the vegetables around a little, and add the lemon juice. Roast for another 30 minutes, stirring once or twice along the way, until the rutabagas are nicely brown along the edges and the garlic cloves are perfect juicy little caramelized pearls of silken desire.
For Sweetnicks. Welcome home, sweetie.
Awww, thanks. :) These sound great! I love anything oven roasted.
Still looking for those rutabagas!
Paz, ya gotta come downtown! HAve you tried Fairway?
Sweetincks, Itwas very good if you really like garlic.
that sounds FABULOUS. I'm going to try that - and you get delicious roasted garlic at no extra effort!
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