Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Watermelon Rind Kofta

Image shows three fried kofta in tomato sauce

I may have mentioned how importantYamuna Devi's The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking, also called Lord Krishna's Cuisine is to me.  When I felt I needed to make something interesting with watermelon rind, it was to Devi that I turned.  Devi has recipes for zucchini kofta and radish kofta, and since watermelon rind falls right between those two ingredients in flavor and texture, I made a recipe that falls between the two koftas.  The good news is these kofta are vivid and delicious. The other news is that I will never again be able to throw out watermelon rinds without feeling like John Dillinger. 

I only hope I will not be disrupting any July 4th picnics by haranguing innocent revelers on the benefits  of cooking watermelon rind.

Watermelon Rind Kofta

Adapted from Lord Krishna's Cuisine by Yamuna Devi

1/2 rind of 1 basketball-sized watermelon (1.5 pounds before scraping and peeling, 1 pound after)

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon whole cumin seeds

2 hot green chiles (or just one, or even none if you prefer), diced

1 teaspoon finely grated ginger (or more to taste)

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

several sprigs cilantro, chopped, plus more for garnish (about half a small bunch)

4 ounces chickpea flour (3/4 cup before sifting, 1 cup after sifting)

sunflower oil (about 2 cups)

Scrape the remaining juicy pulp from the watermelon rind and peel off the tough green skin.  Grate the rind on a box grater or in a processor.  

You should get about 1 pound (3 cups) of shredded vegetables. Allow the vegetables to rest and squeeze out excess liquid (save this for making the sauce)

Combine the rind, chiles, ginger, salt, chopped cilantro, baking powder in a bowl and mix well. 

Heat the oil in a wok or other wide sauté pan.  Add the sifted chickpea flour to the vegetable mixture and form into about 12 kofta.  Fry them in the oil until golden.

Serve with fragrant tomato and watermelon seed sauce.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Vegan Pistachio Macaroons


Vegan Pistachio Chia Macaroons

1 ounce pistachio pulp (leftover from two batches of pistachio ice cream)

1 ounce sugar

2 tablespoons chia porridge (recipe below)

granulated sugar 

Dry out pistachio pulp in a cool oven (you can probably use ground pistachios and scale up the recipe if you 

A did not just make two batches of vegan pistachio ice cream, and 

B would like more than six cookies).

Heat the oven to 325

Pulverize the dried pistachio pulp with sugar  and mix in enough chia porridge to form a stiff dough. Form the dough into walnut-sized spheres and roll the spheres in additional granulated sugar if desired. This will yield 6 macaroons.

Bake the macaroons for 25 minutes or until lightly browned.

Chia Seed Porridge

1/2 cup chia seeds

3 cups water

cook the chia seeds in water for about 15 minutes.

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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Why is the Bread so Harried with Dread?


Who fills the hearts of leavened grain 

With dread so deep, with fear so plain

With awe so paralyzing, vain

That every crumb is wracked with pain?


By whom are yeasty beasties slain?

Who sees them writhe, who makes the rain?

Who brings the hurt so they would fain

Go fishing in a hurricane?


Not Ross Perot, not John McCain

Not Jerry, Kramer, George, Elaine

Not even Jennifer Romaine

Just She, the mighty Khomets Bane

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Papaya Salad for Passover


Papayas want to be vegetables!

Sometimes, folks are disappointed by papayas.  Their flowery scent and deep orange-pink color seem to promise mango-like tropical lushness and sweetness, but in fact, papayas are low in sugar and acid and not especially fruity at all.  Their flavor is more peppery and vegetal.  When you start working with papaya as a salad vegetable, it gets a chance to shine.  For this salad, I pair papaya with avocados, another fruit with vegetable aspirations.

Papaya salad

Avocados (so that there is about an equal volume of avocados and papaya)
A few very thin shavings of sweet onion, or regular onion (optional)
Watercress (optional)
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar

Cut the papaya and avocado into slices or chunks.  Add the onion if you are using it and toss or layer the vegetables together. Drizzle with olive oil and add a few drops of vinegar and juice from the lime and salt to taste.  Serve as is or on a bed of watercress.

For a Caribische Seder, serve with Cassavakoek and vegan Sancocho.

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Friday, March 22, 2024

Fried Apple Pie Hamantaschen Homentashn

I was enchanted from the moment I first read about fried pies, possibly in a newsletter from John Egerton.  Don't you want to keep repeating the words "fried pies, fried pies" all day? I knew I had to try them, but more urgent recipes (it seemed) were in the pipe, and I guess I sort of didn't get around to it for thirty years.  

This year I realized that there are many things about the recipe (closed pastry, dried fruit filling) that make it homentashogenic and once you think fried homentashn are possible, you cannot unthink it. You just have to fry your homentashn. 

This batch is made with pie dough.  I will try biscuit dough next time.

Fried Homentashn

Pie Dough

14 ounces (3 cups) flour. I used half all-purpose, half whole wheat pastry
8 ounces (2 sticks) unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water

Crumble together the flours, butter and salt. Add water and mix to form a dough. Shape the dough into two separate pucks and chill for an hour.

Dried Apple Filling

4 ounces dried apple slices
1/2 cup brown sugar (or less, to taste, but remember, this is a Southern recipe)
1/8 teaspoon (two fat pinches) salt
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) butter

Cook the apples in about 4 cups of water for about an hour.  If you want to cook a cinnamon stick and a piece of fresh or candied ginger along with them that should be fine.  I like the flavor of the apples to shine alone. Drain the apples (save the delicious apple tea for sipping) and cook with sugar, butter and salt until syrupy. Allow the filling to cool.  

Roll out the dough to 1/8 inch thick. cut large circles (I used a number 10 can) and fill with 1 tablespoon filling. Form into homentashn and chill for one hour.

Heat sunflower or grapeseed oil in an iron skillet and fry the tashn golden brown on both sides.  Drain of brown paper or paper towels.  Dust with confectioners' sugar if desired (it is desired).

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Cantaloupe Seed Milk and Cantaloupe Smoothie דינקע שוימקע מיט דינקע־קערן מילך

 Last year at around this time I was all in a tizzy about toasted cantaloupe seeds and cantaloupe seed milk.

Somehow I neglected to post the the recipe calling out from between the pixels, a vegan cantaloupe smoothie made with cantaloupe seed milk and cantaloupe pulp.  

You can of course make a cantaloupe smoothie with any kind of milk, or use cantaloupe seed milk with any kind of fruit.

All Cantaloupe Smoothie

Pulp from one cantaloupe

Milk made from cantaloups seeds

honey or date honey or sugar to taste

Blend fruit, milk, and honey if desired.  Enjoy the last golden moments of summer.

 smoothie. שוימקע

Friday, September 15, 2023

Orange and Rye Honey Cake


"Are you sure there are only four Jewish New Years? Because it sure seems like there are a Hell of a lot more than that!"

Rye Honey Cake

Pre-heat oven to 400

Sift together:

6 ounces rye flour

6 ounces all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 teaspoons kosher salt

1/2 cup sugar

3/4 teaspoon lightly crushed caraway seeds

Blend or process:

2 mandarin oranges or 1 orange

6 ounces Date honey (Silan)

3/4 cup oil

2 eggs

2 tablespoons rye whiskey

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

Pour the orange blend into the sifted ingredients and mix just enough to combine.  Scrape into two mini-bunds or an eight-inch tube pan plus a couple of muffin cups (Or one full-size bundt pan or tube pan)

Sprinkle a few extra caraway seeds on top. Bake for 12 minutes.  Reduce oven to 350 and bake 12 minutes more (This is for the 8-inch pan.  You will need a longer baking time for the Bundts). Test with a skewer and bake a few more minutes in a turned-off oven if needed.

A few years back, I was dictating a Rosheshone recipe and the result instructed folks to marinate tofu in a bottle of forgiveness. I was impressed with how very appropriate an ingredient a bottle of forgiveness is for the holiday season. This year I wished a friend a year full of brokhes and Chad changed it to a year full of brooches. Why not? I wish a heathy year full of brooches to all.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Some Fabulous Honey Cakes and Other RosheShone Delights (Rosh Hashanah)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Valour of the Pizza Dudes גבֿורה פֿון די פּיצאַיאָלי

A boy shyly but proudly holding an enormous pizza

מיט 20 יאָר צוריק איז ניו־יאָרק, מיטן גאַנצן מזרח ברעג, אַױנגעהילט געװאָרן אין אַ פֿאַרפֿינסטערניש װאָס האָט געדויערט 3 טעג. אַ פֿאַלנדיקער בוים האָט אָפּגעריסן די דראָטן, אָבער מיר האָבן דאָס נאָך נישט געװוּסט.  די װאָס האָבן ערשט איצט דורכגעמכט סעפּטעמבער 2001 האָבן זיך דערשראָקן, און אַלע פֿאַרשטײט זיך האָבן זיך געפֿילט צעדרײט און צערודערט. װאָס האָט דאָס צו טאָנ מיט פּיצאַ, װילט איר פֿרעגן. אָט דאָס! אַלע געשעפֿטן װאָס זײַנען אָפּגהענגיק אויף דער עלעצטריק האָבן געמוזט זיך פֿאַרשליסן.  ןאָר די פּיצעריעס זענען געבליבן אָפֿן.  די פּיצאַיאָלי האָבן געאַרבעט װי אַ ייִדענע ערבֿ־פּסח צו מאַכן גענוג פּיצאַ פֿאַר אַלע.  נישט געקוקט אויף דעם װאָס דער חשק פֿאַר פּיצאַ איז 

דעמאָלט געװען אומעלאַסטיש האָבן די פּיצאַיאָלי־חיל נישט געהעכערט די פּרײַזן!


A round pizza

יעדער אײנער פֿון אונדז האָט דעם חובֿ צו זײַן אַזוי גוט װי די פּיצאַיאָלי. דער טאָג איז לאַנג, די אַרבעט איז שװער, דער לוין איז קלײן און די מיטאַרבעטער זענען פֿויל (אָבער נישט די פּיצאַיאָלי) איך בין נישט מחובֿ צו ענדיקן די אַרבעט אָבער איך טאָר זיך פֿון איר ניט אָפּזאָגן


Twenty years ago, New York and the whole East Coast were plunged into blackout.  A tree in Ohio had fallen on a power line, but we didn’t know that yet, and those of us still suffering PTSD from September 2001 were shaken up. Everyone was agitated and confused.  What does this have to do with pizza You are thinking? This has everything to do with Pizza!  Pizzerias were the only businesses not dependent on electricity. They stayed open and the pizza dudes were working like crazy to keep all the hungry New Yorkers fed. And even though demand was just about as inelastic as demand can get, the pizza dudes did not raise their prices.  More crises are coming and some day every one of us will be given a chance to be as strong, fair, and helpful (and maybe even as gorgeous) as a pizza dude.  Wait and listen for this opportunity.  Seize it when it comes.
Instructions for making pizza with 12 images including mixing, kneading and rolling dough, and adding sauce and cheese

Photos by Fred Lyon from Waverly Root's Food of Italy.  This might be the most influential book of my life.

Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Gluten-Free Coconut Dough for Homentashn Hamentaschen Hamantaschen


Last year these rice flour homentashn were smashing.  At the time I said the same recipe would probably work with 20 ounces of any flour mix.  I was close. The coconut flour was a little thirstier, so I used a whole egg and a little more water.

The results were not as foldable as I might have liked, maybe more xanthan gum would help.  The picture above is from the last batch, handled and pinched very carefully.

I added some egg wash so they would not bake up too pale.

I filled these with date filling to keep them in the palm tree family.  Just cook and puree dates.  Remember to take out the pits.

Coconut Flour Dough 

11 1/2 ounces coconut flour 

7 1/2 ounces tapioca flour

3/4 - 1 cup (6 1/2 - 7 1/2 ounces) sugar 

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

9 1/2 ounces (1/2 cup plus 3 tablespoons) butter 

one orange, peel, pulp, and pith, pulverized in a processor or blender

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1 egg 

1 teaspoon vanilla

about 1/2 cup water, as needed

Crumble the dry ingredients and butter together.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

קאָרן המנטאַשן Rye Homentashn Hamentashen


אַלע יאָר זינגען מיר װעגן יאַכנע־דװאָשע מיט איר קאָרן מעל און אַלע יאָר מאַכן מיר המנטאַשן אָן קײן מינדסטן פּיצל קאָרן. זאָל שוין זײַן יושר אויף דער װעלט.   די־אָ המנטאַשן האָב איך גאַמכט לויט שװעדישע רעצעפּטן פֿאַר קאָרן־קיכעלעך.  איך האָב צוגעגעבן אַ ביסל קימל און אויך אַ ביסל קסאַנטאַנ גומע מע זאָל  זײַ קענען בײגן און קנײטשן.

איך האָב זײ אָנגעפֿילט מיט מאַראַנצן מאַרמאַלאַדע, אָבער אַלע געפֿילעכצן װעלן זײ פּאַסן.  זײ זענען געשמאַק װי די װעלט.

Yakhne-Dvoshe famously made her homentashn with rye flour, or at least bought rye flour for homentashn.  To make these I adapted several recipes for Swedish rye cookies that seemed homentashogenic.  I scaled them to use the exact amount of rye flour in the house (5.5 ounces) and added half a teaspoon crushed caraway seeds because how can I leave out the caraway seeds?  I was a little nervous about the foldability of the dough, so I added just a quarter teaspon of xanthan gum.  The dough was wonderfully rollable, foldable, pinchable, and otherwise compliant.  Whether the xanthin gum helped I cannot know, because I can't be doing a Kenji-type double-blind experiment.
Since Swedish rye bread is sometimes flavored with orange juice or zest, I used orange marmalade to fill these.  They are delicious and fragrant, with a little headiness from the caraway.
קאָרן טײג פֿאַר המנטאַשן
קאָרן מעל, 5.5 אָנצן
ראַזעװע געבעקס מעל , 5.5 אָנצן
קסאַנטאַן־גומע, 1/4 לעפֿעלע
קימל, 1/2 לעפֿעלע
שמירקז, 5 אָנצן
פּוטער, 5 אָנצן
צוקער, 5 אָנצן  
 כּשר־זאַלץ 3/4 לעפֿעלע

Rye Dough for Homentashn
5 1/2 ounces rye flour
5 1/2 ounces whole wheat pastry flour
1/4 teaspoon xanthin gum
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon lightly crushed caraway seeds
5 ounces cream cheese
5 ounces butter
5 ounces sugar

Stir together flours, caraway, salt and xanthin gum.  Cream together butter, cream cheese and sugar.  beat in the flour mix until just combined.  Dust the counter with flour and knead to form a dough.  Chill for a few hours or overnight.
Roll the dough 1/8 inch thick and cut circles.  Re-roll the scraps and cut out as many circles as possible.  form the scraps of the scraps into walnut-sized balls and roll each ball individually into a circle.  Fill the circles with a orange marmalade or the filling of your choice and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

 rye flour קאָרן מעל
  xanthan gum קסאַנטאַן־גומע

Round-up of previous Homentash recipes:


Coconut Tapioca Flour Dough


Friday, February 10, 2023

װעגאַניש גלאַזור פֿאַר חלות און בולקעלעך Vegan Glaze for Challah and Buns


Right: flax broth glaze, left: bean broth glaze

A while back I posted a couple of recipes for vegan challah and vegan burger buns.  The vegan challah, enriched with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash, has just about taken over as my favorite challah recipe of all time.  In the original post, I made a glaze with agar, which was fine as a medium for attaching poppy seeds, but did not provide the high-gloss finish that sends our endorphins into overdrive when we lift the challah cover.

I think I am much closer with these.  On the left broth from cooking beans (inspired by all the hubbub about "aquafaba" in the veganosphere), but even shinier is the flax broth on the right.  I think it is indistinguishable from 

Flax Glaze for Challah and Everything

1 tablespoon flax seeds

3/4 cup water

Cook the flax seeds in the water for about ten minutes.  The liquid will become gloopy.  Strain out the seeds.  You can mix the seeds into the dough, sprinkle them on top, add them to granola, or whatever.  Allow the glaze to cool and brush onto shaped loaves before baking.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

אַמעריקאַנער מאַלװע Mallow Soup Caldo de Alaches



I had lots of greens already, but could I walk past these beauties from Grandpa Farm?  They are called alaches. They have beautiful purple flowers, arrow-shaped leaves and woody stems.  The farmer suggested cooking and blending them to make a green soup.


Alaches are Malva Alcea (Moose Mallow, hollyhock, cut-leaf mallow) or אַמעריקאַנער מאַלװע

The name "mallow" rang a bell. They are from the same family as Jew's mallow and the original marshmallow.  They do not have the familiar round leaves of those mallows, but arrow-shaped leaves.

I found some recipes in Spanish and tried as best as I could to follow this one. The recipe calls for Alaches leaves, green squash, corn, and an herb with long skinny leaves called pipicha.

I went tearing back to the market for corn and squash.  I did not imagine I would find pipicha, but thought I could make do with a bunch of cilantro.  I went to the farmstand and caught sight of these:


"Is this pichipa?" I asked breathlessly.

"Pipicha" she answered, with kindness and patience I hope to deserve. 

The leaves are very fragrant with flavors of cilantro, caraway, pine cone, parsley, and freshly mown grass.

Pipicha is Porophyllum linaria. It is not listed in Plant Names in Yiddish, so for now I will call it פּיפּיטשע

The flavor of the soup is a little herbal and a little mineral, but for me, the strongest taste and the greatest surprise was  a very big potato kind of energy.  For folks who can't or won't eat potatoes for various reasons, this soup could be a deeply satisfying and comforting dish. In fact, it will be deeply satisfying and comforting even to folks who eat potatoes all the time, like me.

Alaches Soup

1 bunch Alaches (mallow), about 1 pound

2 medium zucchini, about 1 pound

1 small onion, peeled

1 clove garlic, peeled

2 ears sweet corn, cut into 1-inch disks

1 small bunch pipicha or cilantro

Remove the alaches leaves and flowers from the stems. It is nice to have some company to do this.  I got about 9 ounces of leaves from a 14-ounce bunch. cover the leaves with water and soak and wash until they are clean. Keep the flowers cool and dry.

Add about two quarts of water to a soup pot or large saucepan. drop in  the zucchini, onion,  garlic, and corn disks, and bring to a simmer.  Add the leaves and two teaspoons salt.  Pull the leaves off the pipicha, and add leaves and stems to the pot. Cook for about another twenty minutes or until everything is quite tender.  The cook to whom I linked above cooke thw soup in a tall clay pot and purees the greens with a long wooden pestle.  This is beautiful, but I felt just removed the corn and stems and blended everything in a blender.  Taste for salt and add more water as needed. Serve with corn and flowers.
