Here's a diverting little site that will tell you if your blog is written by a man or a woman. According to GenderAnalyzer BETA, In Mol Araan is written by a woman, so they got that bit right. According to the silhouette they provided, though, it is written by a very young, very thin woman wearing slacks, so they may still have a few bugs in the code.
Nisht genug vos men vert on dos gelt, ruft nokh yener “nar”
It’s not enough that you lose your money, they also call you stupid.
דער זאַטער גלױבט נישט דעם הונגעריקן
Der zater gloybt nisht der hungeriker
The full do not believe the hungry
װוּ זענען מײַנע זיבן גוטע יאָר?
Vu zenen mayne zibn gute yor?
Where are my seven good years?
This is a reference to Pharaoh’s dream in parshes mikets predicting seven good years and seven lean years.The implication is that if times are so bad, there must surely be seven good years somewhere.
ביז דער פֿעטער װערט מאָגער, גײט דער מאָגערער צו גרונד
Biz der feter vert moger, geyt der mogerer tsu grund