Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Gluten-Free Coconut Dough for Homentashn Hamentaschen Hamantaschen


Last year these rice flour homentashn were smashing.  At the time I said the same recipe would probably work with 20 ounces of any flour mix.  I was close. The coconut flour was a little thirstier, so I used a whole egg and a little more water.

The results were not as foldable as I might have liked, maybe more xanthan gum would help.  The picture above is from the last batch, handled and pinched very carefully.

I added some egg wash so they would not bake up too pale.

I filled these with date filling to keep them in the palm tree family.  Just cook and puree dates.  Remember to take out the pits.

Coconut Flour Dough 

11 1/2 ounces coconut flour 

7 1/2 ounces tapioca flour

3/4 - 1 cup (6 1/2 - 7 1/2 ounces) sugar 

3/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

9 1/2 ounces (1/2 cup plus 3 tablespoons) butter 

one orange, peel, pulp, and pith, pulverized in a processor or blender

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1 egg 

1 teaspoon vanilla

about 1/2 cup water, as needed

Crumble the dry ingredients and butter together.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

קאָרן המנטאַשן Rye Homentashn Hamentashen


אַלע יאָר זינגען מיר װעגן יאַכנע־דװאָשע מיט איר קאָרן מעל און אַלע יאָר מאַכן מיר המנטאַשן אָן קײן מינדסטן פּיצל קאָרן. זאָל שוין זײַן יושר אויף דער װעלט.   די־אָ המנטאַשן האָב איך גאַמכט לויט שװעדישע רעצעפּטן פֿאַר קאָרן־קיכעלעך.  איך האָב צוגעגעבן אַ ביסל קימל און אויך אַ ביסל קסאַנטאַנ גומע מע זאָל  זײַ קענען בײגן און קנײטשן.

איך האָב זײ אָנגעפֿילט מיט מאַראַנצן מאַרמאַלאַדע, אָבער אַלע געפֿילעכצן װעלן זײ פּאַסן.  זײ זענען געשמאַק װי די װעלט.

Yakhne-Dvoshe famously made her homentashn with rye flour, or at least bought rye flour for homentashn.  To make these I adapted several recipes for Swedish rye cookies that seemed homentashogenic.  I scaled them to use the exact amount of rye flour in the house (5.5 ounces) and added half a teaspoon crushed caraway seeds because how can I leave out the caraway seeds?  I was a little nervous about the foldability of the dough, so I added just a quarter teaspon of xanthan gum.  The dough was wonderfully rollable, foldable, pinchable, and otherwise compliant.  Whether the xanthin gum helped I cannot know, because I can't be doing a Kenji-type double-blind experiment.
Since Swedish rye bread is sometimes flavored with orange juice or zest, I used orange marmalade to fill these.  They are delicious and fragrant, with a little headiness from the caraway.
קאָרן טײג פֿאַר המנטאַשן
קאָרן מעל, 5.5 אָנצן
ראַזעװע געבעקס מעל , 5.5 אָנצן
קסאַנטאַן־גומע, 1/4 לעפֿעלע
קימל, 1/2 לעפֿעלע
שמירקז, 5 אָנצן
פּוטער, 5 אָנצן
צוקער, 5 אָנצן  
 כּשר־זאַלץ 3/4 לעפֿעלע

Rye Dough for Homentashn
5 1/2 ounces rye flour
5 1/2 ounces whole wheat pastry flour
1/4 teaspoon xanthin gum
3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon lightly crushed caraway seeds
5 ounces cream cheese
5 ounces butter
5 ounces sugar

Stir together flours, caraway, salt and xanthin gum.  Cream together butter, cream cheese and sugar.  beat in the flour mix until just combined.  Dust the counter with flour and knead to form a dough.  Chill for a few hours or overnight.
Roll the dough 1/8 inch thick and cut circles.  Re-roll the scraps and cut out as many circles as possible.  form the scraps of the scraps into walnut-sized balls and roll each ball individually into a circle.  Fill the circles with a orange marmalade or the filling of your choice and bake at 350 for 15 minutes.

 rye flour קאָרן מעל
  xanthan gum קסאַנטאַן־גומע

Round-up of previous Homentash recipes:


Coconut Tapioca Flour Dough
