Pistachio Sauce

Labels: one-handed cookery
א בלאגעלע װעגן עסן און װערטער
Labels: one-handed cookery
Labels: one-handed cookery, pareve פּאַרעװע, perfect for peysekh פּסחדיק װי די װעלט, vegan װעגאַן
I have been having great fun using my new Japanese rotary shredding device to make mile-long linguine of carrots, beets, radishes and anything else I can find at the sparsely stocked stands at the farmers’ market. At this coldest and darkest time of the year the bursts of color and flavor at the centers of those sturdy root vegetables are welcome and restoring.
I have been having almost as much fun reading the box and the enclosed instructions, which promise that my new gadget, made of “brinforced glass,” is “joyful beautiful sharp edged,” and that it will “help your cooking fast joyfully with wonderful edged strings.” The instructions are easy to follow:
Cut various vegetables into a piece of about 8 cm with kitchin knife. Thrust the vegetable by the center to the spike at the blade and also thrust pins of the rotating disc supporting it by hand from the above as shown in the photo.
In this case it will be all right if the vegetable just out from the table.
Even when it is this cold (We got down to nine degrees Fahrenheit in New York this week, and it was thirty below in Deering, fifty-two below with the wind chill, or “below fifty-two” as they say up there) you still sometimes need salads.
For each serving:
1 handful salad greens, washed, dried, and torn
1 fingerful snipped dill, parsley or cilantro
as much shredded (or grated or shaved) carrot, turnip, radish and/or beet as desired
oil, vinegar and salt
Toss together the greens, herbs, and shreds. Dress with oil, vinegar and salt.
“Torn Shreds” was the name of a character based on Rip Torn played by Sid Caesar. I could not find any YouTube clips of Torn Shreds, but you could have look at Mr. Bigsby ordering lunch: “ ‘Are you going to engulf that entire pickle?’ ‘Why, yes, sir. I can’t eat a sandwich without engulfing an entire pickle’”
Ed will be gathering together the shreds of this week's Weekend Herb Blogging at Tomato, in Melbourne, where I am guessing it is toasty warm.
Food and Drink, Recipes, Cooking, Food, Vegetarian, vegan, vegetables, antioxidant-rich foods, Weekend Herb Blogging, whb, salad, kitchen gadgets
I realize there is nothing in the photo to provide scale, but I assure you, this thing was huge.
It looks like an ostrich egg fried sunny-side-up, but this is in fact the mango pudding at Buddha-Bodai on
I wrote the previous paragraph almost six weeks ago, just before my hard drive was overcome by the Catalepsy leaving me with very spotty access to my various writing projects, not to mention my own brain (lavender tea does not seem to work on computers). When I made the unfortunate generalization about soy desserts, I did not yet know about Kyotofu, the soy dessert restaurant enthusiastically reviewed in the Times last week. I have not yet been, but I am intrigued. This might be just the place to restore one feeling much better and back at work.
I will be trying to make one of these, and if and when, you will read about it here. For now, over to Sweetnick's for more satisfying, if visually misleading, dishes.
Food, Vegetarian, vegan, antioxidant-rich foods, fruit, mango, dairy-free desserts, gluten-free desserts
װען אַ קאָלעגין האָט מיר געזאָגט אַז זי טוט איצטער פֿאָרשונג װעגן ברױט און פֿרױען בײַ חז"ל, האָב איך זיך דערמאָנט אַז בײַ ייִדן װערן פֿרױען און ברױט אַ מאָל פֿאַרגליכן. בײַ בערנשטײנען האָב איך געפֿונען די פֿאָלגנדיקע שפּריכװערטער׃
מען טאָר ניט עסן די חלה פֿאַר דער המוציא.
You mustn’t eat khale before the “hamotsi”
It is not good to make a “hamotsi” over a khale that has already been started.
װאָס טוט מײַן כּלה? זי קנײט זיצנדיק חלה.
What is my kale doing? Sitting kneading khale.
אַן אויסגעגעבענע טאָכטער איז װי אַן אָפּגעשניטן שטיקל ברויט (זי קאָן זיך מער ניט צוריק צוקלעפּן צו די עלטערן).
A daughter who has been married off is like a piece of bread that has been sliced off (She can no more return to her family than the slice can get stuck back on the loaf).
די ליבע איז זיס, נאָר זי איז גוט מיט ברויט.
Love is sweet, but good with bread.
Among the proverbs collected by Ignatz Bernshteyn in Yidishe shprikhverter un rednsartn (