Thursday, June 14, 2007

Red Sails Lettuce and Great Lakes Lettuce from my CSA

I have been looking forward to this for so long, but goodness, I do have a lot of lettuce. Most of it is going into salads (some with homemade vinegar), and I hope to use some to make La Vignarola this weekend. Traditionally, one would use romaine, but I am certainly not about to go and buy any more lettuce. And I'm not even talking about the arugula.



Blogger zoe p. said...

Bizarre thing that has nothing to do with fresh, local CSA lettuces: my grocery store lettuce, when I opened it and began washing this week, smelled, nay, reeked, of cigarette smoke. Blech. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

2:18 PM  

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