
A lady of my acquaintance whom I’ll call Little Red returned from a visit to her native
Perhaps times have changed. David Lebovitz reports to be able to transport dried cherries unmolested, but I recall Little Red’s sad story every year at this time, because I have endangered myself for the sake of cherries on countless occasions. Cherries in season might be my favorite thing to eat in the whole world. I like all of them; I even like to eat the really puckery sour cherries out of hand. Try these. Just remember to put a pit pot on the table.
Cherries and Green Almonds from
Place a bowl of cherries (any kind) and a bowl of green almonds (or plain raw mature almonds) on the table. Eat the cherries and almonds together.
Remove stones from about a dozen sweet black cherries with your fingers or the nifty gadget of your choice. Put them all into your mouth at the same time. Grasp the possibility that the pain can end.
Further strategies at Sweetnicks.

Suspected Diamond Smuggler? Oh, my! What a story! Glad she was able to get a new passport. I can't believe they cut everyone of her cherries.
I've never eaten cherries and almonds together. Very interesting.
I love cherries!
LOVE CHERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paz and TNJ,
We do almost anything for cherries.
Just received 20 lbs of cheries we ordered! (I'm in Alaska)
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