Sandwiches of Hope
I miss reading your blogs as much as I miss writing mine. Mad love to all In Mol Araan. You know what helps? I mean besides chocolate? Bubble wrap.
Ahhhhh. Bubble wrap.
א בלאגעלע װעגן עסן און װערטער
A chart on Sunday comparing biographical and personal points about Governor-elect Eliot Spitzer and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, two like-minded New York leaders with a warm relationship who could find themselves at odds once Mr. Spitzer is sworn in, misidentified one of Mr. Bloomberg’s favorite foods. It is saltines, not sardines. (Go to Article)You have to click on the sidebar to get the chart, which lists Drake's coffee cake as Governor-elect Spitzer's favorite food. I will admit to being just a little concerned.
This is what it's been like, folks:
Every five minutes I think to myself:
--Heavens, it must be nearly five minutes since I looked at the computer.
And then I look at the computer and
--Argh! No computer!
And then five minutes later I do the whole thing again. It's like that episode where Homer repeatedly electrocutes himself while trying to fix the cable or something.
Here's what helps:
Hot Chocolate
2 cups milk
1 ounce bittersweet chocolate
1 teaspoon brown sugar
pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon bourbon vanilla extract
Warm the milk, chocolate, brown sugar, and salt in a small saucepan, stirring more or less constantly, until the milk is hot and the chocolate melted. Pour the hot chocolate into a mug and add the vanilla. At this point I also add a bit of cold milk or cream.
And really, everything is fine. Thanks to Mr. Chocolate Lady, Mine-Freyde, and Marian the Librarian, who helped enormously.
אָט איז ער: יעדער ביס װאָס איך האָב גענומען אין מױל אַרײַן די װאָך.
סעם (Sam) װעט ענק זאָגן װעגן װאָס איך רעד װי די װײַבער װעגן צימעס.
דער גאַנצער צימעס
The whole tsimes (The whole shebang, the whole kit and caboodle)
רעדן װי די װײַבער װעגן צימעס
To talk like women talking about tsimes (to go on at great length, and with great enthusiasm)
הײס־געליבטע חבֿרה, איז מוז ענק עפּעס מודה זײַן, מיר איז זײער שװער די הײַנטיקע סדרה. עשׂוס װײַבער און זין װערן דרײַ מאָל אױסגערעכנט, אָבער אָהליבמה פֿעלט צום צװײטן מאָל, אָבער צום דריטן מאָל איז זי צוריק. פֿאַר װאָס זאָל מען לײענען דרײַ מאָל װעגן צפֿו? װעמען גײען עשׂוס װײַבער אָן? װעמען גײט צפֿו אָן? קאַקױ באַלאַגאַן! עס איז פּונקט װי אין מײַן דיסערטאַציע, להבֿדל.
איך קום שױן אַרױס פֿון די כּלים.