Watch 'em All קוק זײ אַלע אָן
Cabbage Strudel
קרױט שטרודל
kroyt shtrudl
Flavored Vodka and Nut Cake
געװירצטע װאָדקע און נוסטאָרט
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Honey Cake and Roasted Trout
האָניק לעקעך און געבראָטנע סטראָנגע
honik lekekh un gebrotene stronge
Sorrel Soup and Matzo Meal Pancakes
שטשאַװ און כרמסלעך
shtshav un khremslekh
Mamelige and Popcorn
מאמעליגע און קאָקאָשעס
mamelige un kokoshes
Sour Cherry Dumplings
װאַרניקעס װײַנשל
varenikes fun vaynshl
Cabbage Strudel
קרױט שטרודל
kroyt shtrudl
Flavored Vodka and Nut Cake
געװירצטע װאָדקע און נוסטאָרט
gevirtste vodke un nustort
Honey Cake and Roasted Trout
האָניק לעקעך און געבראָטנע סטראָנגע
honik lekekh un gebrotene stronge
Sorrel Soup and Matzo Meal Pancakes
שטשאַװ און כרמסלעך
shtshav un khremslekh
Mamelige and Popcorn
מאמעליגע און קאָקאָשעס
mamelige un kokoshes
Sour Cherry Dumplings
װאַרניקעס װײַנשל
varenikes fun vaynshl
I love it!! I want to be in the kitchen with them. Oy, a fargenign
I have only watched the cabbage and strudel so far, but it is pure poetry in motion!
One question: would it make sense to saute the caraway seed in oil before adding the onions rather than putting them in later? I know this may not be traditional, but toasting seeds in oil to extract the flavors is a commonly used technique in Indian cooking.
Never would I have guessed that a tablecloth can be used as a tool for preparing strudel.
I just stumbled upon your blog. I love, love, love your blog.
Thank you for creating such a fun and inspiring blog.
א מחיה, ש'כח, מיינע דאמען! איך ווארט אויף אייערע פסח-רעצעפטן
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